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Deep Drinks Podcast (DDP) does not endorse the views or statements of any guest. DDP strives for deep conversations about deep topics, this includes harmful ideologies discussed responsibly.

My Approach?

Deep Drinks is not a debate platform; my goal is to provide the best faith interpretation of the guest's ideas.

Why Discuss Bad Ideas?

I believe that truth withstands scrutiny, and harmful ideas should be discussed. I worry that ostracisation tends to push those ostracised further into their dangerous ideologies and groups.

My Stance?

I reject all forms of bigotry, racism, homophobia, and transphobia. I despise partisanism and believe all ideas should be evaluated based on their merits. I endeavour to engage in honest discourse and will not treat someone differently for immutable characteristics.

Safe Space?

DDP conversations can often cause distress to listeners as a result of the subject matter (mental illness, religious intolerance, homophobia, bigotry etc.), and as a result, viewer discretion is advised. I do my best to give content warnings and label episodes to help viewers decide which episodes to listen to.